Mr. Furrow's Amazing, Extraordinary Classroom Website of Awesomeness

The role of a parent

Parents! I cannot possibly begin to stress how important you are in your child's education, your role is vital!!! I have provided a number of various links here to useful resources. Find ways to help, find ways to get involved, find ways to support and encourage and always remember that your influence is the most important factor in a child's life. It's never easy, but it's worth every second you can sacrifice. 

Educational Resources

The National Education Association has some tremendous parent resources. They have invested much time, energy and research into helping parents with understanding and getting involved in their children's education.  

For those looking to specifically get invovled  in thier child's school be sure to look into joining a local parent teacher association. The website for the national PTA is a reliable resources and is a great starting point for parents to find out more information on what they can do to get involved.

Personal Resources

No one said being a parent would be an easy thing. Especially being the parent of a teenager. We may remember what it's like to be a teenager, but that doesn't mean we know how to parent one. Thankfully there's help! There's a website specifically dedicated to helping each and every parent of our nations adolescents. 

Of course if you're parenting on your own the challenges may seem monumental. This website was started by a single mom who lacked easy answers and accessible resources when she needed them most. As the saying goes, if life gives you lemons, make lemonade. This is nice resource for single parents. 

All parents want nothing but the best for their kids, which often means sending them to college. Unfortunately, for the average parent paying for college is a difficult challenge. Here's a superb resource for helping parents figure out where the money is going to come from to pay for college.