Mr. Furrow's Amazing, Extraordinary Classroom Website of Awesomeness

Student Zone


This section of the site is for you and you only!! Here you will find links to valuable class resources, other interesting and educational links and even occasional extra credit information may pop up from time to time so be sure to check frequently. In case you have not heard it from me yet I believe that each and every one of you have unlimited potential and will push you to achieve your personal best. It may be frustrating or stressful at times but I only do it because I care and because I want all of you to reach levels you never thought were possible. I have no doubt that all of you will go on to lead interesting, rich lives and I hope that you never give up on yourselves because I will never give up on you. PLEASE do not hesitate to talk to me about any questions or concerns you have about my class or other happenings in your life. I am always happy to lend an ear if it will help. 

-Make sure you check out the class syllabus for important information on class guidelines, rules, objectives, assignment details, contact information, and other important details. Also please routinely check the course schedule and the online grade book so you can keep on top of all your work. 

-Have you ever dreamt of making your favorite book come to life? Be sure to check our Literary Worlds a fascinating website that allows you to be apart of the story!! 

-Make use of the online dictionary and thesaurus for word help!

-The next time you're working on a paper be sure to check out the Purdue University Online Writing Lab- it is a tremendously valuable resource. 

-Bored? Looking for something to do online? Check out a series of videos on YouTube about WhatYouOughtToKnow, you'll be surprised at what you learn. Below is one of my personal favorites on the things we say wrong.

Good Reads
Note: Always get  permission from your parents- althought I endorse these books, they have the final say. 


Don't let yourself be fooled by the cover...this is a suspenseful, psychological thriller wrapped in shroud mystery about a young woman who, upon marrying the man of her dreams and moving into his estate, slowly realizes that she's not the first mistress of the house and attempts to uncover exactly what happened to Rebecca, her husbands 1st wife. This is a tale for guys and girls alike and if you give it a chace you won't be dissapointed and will be hooked into the mystery. 


Have you ever dreamed of being royalty? Would you ever guess that something as simple as the way you speak could radically change other people's perception of you? In this classic play a poor, young flower girl named Eliza is given speech lessons by a professor that change her life. Eliza's journey exposes that class divides in society are not as rigid as they may seem and that in the end being true to yourself is what matters most. 

Rime of the Ancient Mariner 

Have you ever had a really crazy dream? Have you ever been in situations you thought were stranger than fiction? Well then maybe you can relate to this epic poem about a sailor and voyage he won't soon forget. Nothing in your wildest imagination can prepare you for what happens during the course of this piece which is filled with all sorts of supernatural occurrences.  

To Kill a Mockingbird 

Doing the right thing doesn't always mean it's going to be easy. Often times when we stand up for what we know is just and righteous we could put ourselves and those we care about in danger. Atticus Finch is a lawyer in a Southern town where racism runs rampant, and when he decides to take on the case of a black man being accused of crimes Atticus feels he didn't commit he faces severe backlash from the community. Atticus does not back away though and amidst the turmoil of his decision he must also be a leader to his children and teach them about what is right. The question still remains if Atticus is truly doing the right thing and what the toll it will take on him and his family. 

All the president's men

Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever told a series of lies to cover something up?? Have you ever had one lie exposed and slowly watched the rest come crumbling down at your feet leaving you exposed in the mess you've made? Now, imagine how that would feel if you were the president of the United States of America. In this gripping expose two reporters for the Washington Post slowly uncover a conspiracy that leads all the way to the White House and could have major consequences for the American public. The best part about this story is that it's not a work of fiction- it actually happened. 


If you think your family is dysfunctional, just wait until you read this book. The short stories featured in this book, which are all based entirely on true life events of the author, will leave you with the sudden realization that maybe you don't have it so bad after all. Page after page is filled with stories so hilarious you'll soon be belly-aching and running short on breath because you can't stop laughing. This book is easy to pick up and read on a moment's notice for those of you with busy lives and little free time. 

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Huck Finn is like many typical young boys- always longing for something new and exciting. Why sit at home when there's a whole world just waiting to be explored? So Huck, with the help of his friend and escaped slave Jim, set out on the adventure of a lifetime. Things are not always easy for Huck and Jim, but together the two learn valuable lessons on friendship and realize that though they may have different skin colors and have been raised in different conditions, they aren't too different after all. The book has gained its fair share of controvery due to its realistic approach of how African American slaves were treated during the mid 1800's, and the views held by people during the time. Huck's tale down Mississippi River is a grand adventure filled with danger, mystery and self-discovery.